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Construction work begins on the railroad line to the Baltic Sea tunnel

Schleswig-Holstein's Minister President Daniel Günther (CDU) and representatives of Deutsche Bahn and the Federal Ministry of Transport want to give the signal for the construction of the rail link to the planned Baltic Sea tunnel on Fehmarn on Thursday (1.30 pm). The 88-kilometre rail route...

Daniel Günther (CDU), Minister President of Schleswig-Holstein.
Daniel Günther (CDU), Minister President of Schleswig-Holstein.

Traffic - Construction work begins on the railroad line to the Baltic Sea tunnel

Schleswig-Holstein's Minister President Daniel Günther (CDU) and representatives of Deutsche Bahn and the Federal Ministry of Transport want to give the signal for the construction of the rail link to the planned Baltic Sea tunnel on Fehmarn on Thursday (1.30 pm). The 88-kilometre rail route between Puttgarden and Lübeck is to connect the planned road and rail tunnel to the German rail network from 2029. The already expanded Autobahn 1 will then also be connected to the tunnel.

According to Deutsche Bahn, the rail link is to be electrified. Around 55 kilometers of the route are to be completely rebuilt and run parallel to the Autobahn 1. On the route, 80 bridges and six new stops are to be built and 6.5 million cubic meters of earth are to be moved.

With an estimated cost volume of 7.1 billion euros (cost status 2015), the hinterland connection is one of the largest infrastructure projects in Northern Europe. The project is still controversial, particularly among environmentalists, due to the costs and the potential impact on the environment. However, the Federal Administrative Court last dismissed several lawsuits against the construction in 2022.

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