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Construction industry calls for an end to small states in building regulations

In Baden-Baden, the state construction ministers want to talk about easing approval procedures and renovating existing buildings. If you ask the industry, the federal states would have to move in a completely different direction.

Apartment buildings are being
Apartment buildings are being

Construction industry calls for an end to small states in building regulations

From the industry's point of view, the large number of building regulations in Germany is hindering new production methods and falling prices. It is absolutely essential that the federal states put their different interests aside in favor of a nationwide solution, said Tim Oliver Müller from the Federation of the German Construction Industry. "Otherwise there will be no noticeable impetus for the construction of new affordable homes."

According to him, the small details of different regulations prevent the uniform industrial production of building components that could be used anywhere in the country. In view of the housing shortage and high prices, politicians can no longer afford this, Müller told the German Press Agency. The construction industry is therefore calling for movement from the federal states, which are meeting in Baden-Baden on Thursday and Friday for consultations. The federal government's efforts in this direction should also no longer be watered down.

The construction association expects a significant reduction in refinancing costs from building to industrial standards alone. For newly built apartment buildings, this alone could reduce net cold rents by 20 percent. According to the information provided, these are currently around 18 euros per square meter per month. However, there is a great need for affordable housing in metropolitan areas. This is priced between 8 and 12 euros.

Nicole Razavi (CDU), Chair of the Conference of Building Ministers in Baden-Württemberg, is aware that housing construction cannot continue as before. "If you put it realistically, the engine of new construction and refurbishment is at a standstill because the conditions are so devastating that construction and refurbishment simply no longer pay off," she said.

However, when it comes to building regulations, the Minister is initially pinning her hopes on digitalization. The digital building authority was only recently launched in the southwest. She expects this to "speed things up" and construction projects to be completed more quickly and therefore more cost-effectively.

The construction industry does not share this optimism. Currently, only different analogue processes are being digitized. The goal should be a standardized process in Germany, Müller demanded. This would mean agreeing on the requirements and processing times for submitting, processing and returning building permits digitally throughout Germany. The lack of standardization of processes, programs and rules is the great fallacy in the digitalization of public administrations.

The construction industry's plea for a unified approach in building regulations extends beyond Germany's federal states, as inconsistencies in housing policy across different regions could hinder nationwide affordable housing projects. Proposed digitalization of building regulations in some federal states may not provide the industry with the standardization needed for efficient production methods and reduced costs, underscoring the need for a nationwide consensus.


