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Construction Company Owner Abducted: Hefty Jail Sentences for Musicians

A kidnapped individual endured severe beatings and was left injured in a woodland area.

The inscription "Landgericht Düsseldorf" is on the building of the district court.
The inscription "Landgericht Düsseldorf" is on the building of the district court.

Redefining the Procedure: Transforming Your Routine Refine the Way You Handle Tasks and Achieve Better Results Through Essential Steps - Construction Company Owner Abducted: Hefty Jail Sentences for Musicians

A group of five men, who belong to a rocker band, have been sentenced for the kidnapping of a 64-year-old construction entrepreneur. This horrific ordeal took place in Mönchengladbach and lasted for 26 hours. The court found that the accused inflicted serious injuries on the victim, leading him to be left with only his pants and shoes on and a sack over his head, hidden in a forest close to Jüchen.

The nature of this crime was so heinous that these men were found guilty of various charges, including extortion and attempted manslaughter. Three of the convicted men received sentences ranging from eight-and-a-half to eleven years and three months.

The presiding judge also deemed a female accomplice and a 57-year-old man guilty of luring the entrepreneur into a trap and inciting robbery, respectively. They, however, walked away free under a probation sentence.

Unfortunately, the unfortunate incident took place at a court in Düsseldorf, due to reasons of seating capacity in Mönchengladbach's court. The court heard that the accused had threatened to extort 20,000 euros, claiming there were pending debts. Although the claims were unsubstantiated, the situation seemed to have escalated, and violence was not out of the picture.

An accomplice of the entrepreneur was also abducted but was fortunately released within a short span of time, under constant threats at his home.

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