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Conservationists take legal action against forest clearance for industrial park on A14

In its efforts to preserve a forest on the A14 near Grabow (Ludwigslust-Parchim district), the nature conservation organization BUND is not letting up. According to a spokeswoman in Schwerin on Friday, the association, together with the Schutzgemeinschaft Deutscher Wald (German Forest...

A forest of deciduous trees.
A forest of deciduous trees.

In its efforts to preserve a forest on the A14 near Grabow (Ludwigslust-Parchim district), the nature conservation organization BUND is not letting up. According to a spokesperson in Schwerin on Friday, the association and the Schutzgemeinschaft Deutscher Wald (German Forest Protection Association) have filed an appeal with the administrative court against the permission to clear the forest.

In a first step, the responsible forestry office had approved the clearing of almost 40 hectares of forest. BUND 's objection to this was rejected by the state forestry office in November. This led to a lawsuit. A total of 130 hectares of trees are to be felled in order to build a business park in the immediate vicinity of the highway.

A spokesperson for the court confirmed receipt of the lawsuit. Such lawsuits generally have a suspensive effect. This means that the felling of the trees cannot begin for the time being. According to the court spokesperson, this will now be followed by an inspection of the files, the statement of grounds and statements. In all likelihood, the court will deal with the case in early summer.

The town of Grabow wants to build the business park in two stages. Until now, the site has been a contiguous forest area. The state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern has promised financial support for the project in the double-digit millions, according to BUND 38 million euros.

BUND argues that there are alternative areas nearby along the highway 14, which will run from Wismar to Dresden after completion. These areas could be used for industry without clearing the forest, emphasized BUND state director Corinna Cwielag.

According to her, other locations had also been identified as more suitable in the environmental impact assessment. However, these had been rejected. According to BUND, this means that there is no justification for clearing the forest in accordance with the State Forest Act. The planned replacement planting on 28 mostly small partial areas could not compensate for the climate benefits of the contiguous forest area, explained Cwielag.

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