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Conservationists: school ski courses no longer up to date

The Bavarian Nature Conservation Association believes that ski camps and ski courses at schools are no longer in keeping with the times and is calling for a new concept from the Ministry of Education. "Due to the climate crisis, snow cannons are now needed almost everywhere to make skiing...

Skiers skiing on a ski slope in the sunshine.
Skiers skiing on a ski slope in the sunshine.

Climate crisis - Conservationists: school ski courses no longer up to date

The Bavarian Nature Conservation Association believes that ski camps and ski courses at schools are no longer in keeping with the times and is calling for a new concept from the Ministry of Education. "Due to the climate crisis, snow cannons are now needed almost everywhere to make skiing possible," said BN chairman Richard Mergner in Munich on Tuesday.

"Snow cannons require extensive construction work on the mountain as well as a considerable amount of energy, and their use fundamentally contradicts the principle of sustainability, which is now an important teaching principle for schools."

In addition, the costs have almost doubled, which poses problems for many families. "Alpine skiing is no longer a popular sport," said Axel Doering, spokesperson for the BN Alpine Working Group. "Due to the climate crisis, there are fewer and fewer ski resorts, especially in Bavaria, and they are becoming more and more expensive."

As an example, the BN cited the Bruckmühl high school, where the cost of ski courses has now risen from 250 euros to 400 euros. "In times of inflation, it makes no sense to spend money on equipment, ski passes, transportation and accommodation so that children can strap on their skis for the first and possibly last time," said Hans Jürgen Fahn, spokesperson for the BN environmental education working group.

The BN is therefore calling on Education Minister Anna Stolz (Free Voters) to further develop ski camps and ski courses - and new concepts. The nature conservationists are proposing "winter experience weeks", which could demonstrate the wide range of possibilities for experiencing nature in winter, according to the BN press release on Boxing Day.

According to BN, around 20 percent of schools in Bavaria still run school ski courses or ski camps. In view of the last twelve warm winters in a row, this is simply no longer appropriate.

Press releases from the Federation for Nature Conservation

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