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Consequences for other inmates after escape of offender

A man uses an escorted exit from preventive detention to his mother to escape. This now has consequences for other inmates.

An offender in preventive detention is still on the run. (archive picture)
An offender in preventive detention is still on the run. (archive picture)

Justice - Consequences for other inmates after escape of offender

A convicted criminal from the Berlin Secure Custody institution is still on the run. The search for the 57-year-old has been unsuccessful so far, according to Justice Senator Felicitas Badenberg (CDU) in the Legal Affairs Committee of the Berlin House of Representatives. According to her statements, consequences for other inmates of the Tegel Justice Correctional Facility's Secure Custody: Exits for social contacts are currently not allowed. Before such relaxations are granted, conditions and procedures must be reviewed, Badenberg stated.

Used Toilet Break to Escape

The 57-year-old used a supervised exit to visit his mother in Neukölln on Saturday to escape. He used a toilet passage and "took advantage of a moment of inattention" to evade the two justice officials, explained the Senator.

The man was sentenced to five years in prison by the justice administration for bodily harm and rape. He had already served his sentence in 2015. Due to his continued dangerousness, he was then transferred to the Secure Custody. According to the justice administration, this could be regularly left. Forty-two such exits had passed without incident. Now, he is believed to have "spontaneously decided" to escape, Badenberg stated.

Third Case This Year

This is the third time this year that convicted criminals in Berlin have used an exit for their escape. Nearly two weeks ago, a two-time murderer did not return to prison after an unsupervised exit from detention. He was arrested 54 hours later in Brandenburg at his half-brother's apartment. All relaxations have been revoked for him, Badenberg emphasized. In his case, the escape was likely a spontaneous decision as well.

In February, a 54-year-old from the Tegel Justice Correctional Facility's Secure Custody used an exit for his escape. He was arrested after about three days in Schleswig-Holstein.

  1. Following the recent escape, Justice Senator Felicitas Badenberg (CDU) is advocating for a thorough review of exit procedures and conditions in the Tegel Justice Correctional Facility's Secure Custody institution in Berlin.
  2. The German penal system is under scrutiny after a 57-year-old convicted criminal from Berlin, who was previously in preventive detention for bodily harm and rape, utilized a toilet passage during a supervised visit to his mother to escape.
  3. This incident marks the third instance this year in Berlin where convicted criminals have took advantage of supervised exits to evade justice, raising questions about the effectiveness of the current penal system and its preventive measures.
  4. Subsequently, Badenberg, a member of the CDU, has urged for stricter regulations on supervised exits for inmates in Germany, arguing that the consequence of such escapes could have serious implications for both the penal system and public safety.
  5. In response to these events, the House of Representatives' Legal Affairs Committee, led by Badenberg, will be closely examining the situation to propose more effective ways of preventing such incidents in the future, emphasizing the importance of upholding justice and public safety in Germany.

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