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Confrontation between truck driver and activists - appeal

In Stralsund, a truck driver tried to get climate activists off the road in the summer. He even hit one demonstrator. But did he do this deliberately? Following the man's conviction, the public prosecutor's office has now lodged an appeal.

Members of the "Last Generation" block a street in front of a shopping center.
Members of the "Last Generation" block a street in front of a shopping center.

Justice - Confrontation between truck driver and activists - appeal

Following a verdict against a truck driver for his reaction to a road blockade by the climate group Last Generation, the public prosecutor's office has lodged an appeal. This was announced by the court and the public prosecutor's office on Thursday. The 41-year-old truck driver was sentenced on Tuesday by the Stralsund district court for attempted coercion because he had pulled climate activists off the road in Stralsund in July - or had tried to. He had also hit an activist. The public prosecutor spoke of intent. The judge did not consider this to be proven.

The driver received a fine of 1,800 euros and a four-month driving ban. The public prosecutor's office had accused him of attempted grievous bodily harm, among other things, and demanded a fine of 3,000 euros and 10 months without a driving license.

According to the public prosecutor's office, reasons for the appeal can only be given after the written reasons for the verdict have been issued. However, the contested decision had clearly deviated from the prosecutor's pleas.

According to an expert witness, the activist could theoretically have been seen in a special collision mirror. However, the judge had said that it had not been clarified beyond doubt whether the driver had actually seen the activist in the mirror or whether he had looked in the mirror at all.

During the trial, a video showed how the driver stopped in front of the activists, got out and pulled them off the road, or tried to. He pushed over a seated activist and threatened her with his fist. He then drove off again, briefly pushing an activist who had sat back down on the road in front of him. No one was injured.

The defendant's lawyer had pleaded for acquittal. His client had spoken of great stress on that day. He was sorry for his threatening gestures. "That was definitely too much."

The video had caused a stir on the internet. The driver was sharply criticized, but also received some support. According to the 41-year-old's lawyer, a five-figure sum was raised as part of a fundraising campaign for the driver. The now unemployed man was living off this money after he left his company of his own accord in September.

Court press release

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