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Conference of Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs: Saarland 2024 with presidency

"Education in times of change - courageously shaping transformation together": This is the guiding principle that the Saarland Minister of Education wants to write on the banners of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs as its new president.

Schools - Conference of Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs: Saarland 2024 with presidency

Christine Streichert-Clivot (SPD), Saarland Minister of Education and Culture, was officially elected President of the Standing Conference of Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs (KMK ) for 2024 in Berlin on Thursday. This is the fifth time Saarland has held the presidency after 1968, 1979, 1992 and 2008. Instead of having her own theme for her presidency, the Education Minister would like to unite the KMK behind a guiding principle: "Education in times of change - courageously shaping transformation together".

In a time of profound change, more is needed than just a series of individual topics. What is needed is a system that relies on scientific expertise, courageously and critically questions its own actions and seeks good forms of cooperation, said the future president.

The challenges facing education policy are currently great. Just this week, the Pisa study showed that inequalities based on origin remain particularly pronounced in Germany. The general shortage of skilled workers, teacher recruitment and qualification, the digital transformation of teaching and learning and the use of artificial intelligence in schools are important topics for the KMK. The official handover of the presidency from Berlin to Saarland will take place on January 12, 2024 at the Saarland Representation to the Federal Government in Berlin.

KMK Ministry of Education Saarland

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