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Confectionery manufacturers defend themselves against cartel fine

Justitia can be seen on a window at the entrance to the Higher Regional
Justitia can be seen on a window at the entrance to the Higher Regional

Confectionery manufacturers defend themselves against cartel fine

Alleged anti-competitive agreements in the confectionery sector are at the center of the trial, which will be reopened on Tuesday at the Düsseldorf Higher Regional Court. The three companies Bahlsen, Griesson de Beukelaer and CFP Brands are defending themselves against fines in the millions imposed by the Federal Cartel Office in 2013 for antitrust violations. According to the competition authority, the confectionery manufacturers had coordinated too closely with other companies in the industry, including on prices.

The companies appealed against the decision at the time. However, the Düsseldorf Higher Regional Court subsequently not only confirmed the fines, but even increased them to a total of almost 21 million euros. Three confectionery manufacturers then appealed to the Federal Court of Justice - with success. The ruling was overturned due to procedural errors and the case was referred back to Düsseldorf. According to a spokeswoman for the court, there were talks to reach an agreement before the main hearing began. The parties involved did not wish to comment on the content of the discussions. The 6th Cartel Senate of the Higher Regional Court has scheduled 14 trial days until the end of January.

The confectionery industry's appeal against the hefty fines imposed for alleged price-fixing agreements was successful due to procedural errors, leading to a reconsideration by the Düsseldorf Higher Regional Court. Despite negotiations towards a potential agreement before the trial, justice will be served in the confectionery sector's cartel case, as industry competitors continue to defend themselves against accusations of antitrust violations related to food products and confectionery.


