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Concerns for Valeriia in Döbeln: Police reinforces presence

A nine-year-old girl has been missing in Döbeln since Monday. Police reinforcements have been deployed, with hundreds of officers and volunteers participating in the search. Where is Valeriia?

Police officers search for a missing nine-year-old girl in Döbeln, Saxony.
Police officers search for a missing nine-year-old girl in Döbeln, Saxony.

Urgent: Situation Demands Immediate Attention - Concerns for Valeriia in Döbeln: Police reinforces presence

After three days since the sudden disappearance of nine-year-old Valeriia from the small city of Döbeln in Saxony, authorities have ramped up their efforts to locate the missing child. Around 300 volunteers have been mobilized in the search for clues, consisting of rapid response units, police students, and water police who have taken to the banks of the Freiberger Mulde River to investigate further. In addition to their efforts, a police helicopter and drones are available to aid in the expedition, with more questioning of residents being planned.

The incident occurred on Monday morning around 6:50 AM when Valeriia was reported to have left for school. However, no one has seen her arrive at school that day. Since then, a vigorous search has been underway. The approximately 24,000 inhabitants of the city were asked to scan their personal properties, such as gardens, cellars, garages, or sheds, with the hope that someone would spot her. Police have published photographs of the missing girl, yet to no avail as she has yet to be found.

Investigations are being pursued in every direction. Although there's a possibility of a violent crime, nothing has been ruled out at this stage.

Valeriia hails from a Ukrainian family and has lived with her mother in Germany since 2022 as per the police. She is about 1.40 meters tall and has medium-length hair that is a dark blend of blonde and brown. On the day she vanished, she was wearing a lavender T-shirt, black jeans, a light turquoise jacket, and dark blue ankle-high shoes. Furthermore, she carried a pink school bag. Valeriia is also fluent in German, but her English proficiency is limited.

Read also:

  1. The search for Valeriia extends beyond the city limits, with neighboring regions in Saxony also joining the efforts to find the missing girl.
  2. Witnesses have reported seeing a group of men acting suspiciously near the school area on the morning of Valeriia's disappearance, and the police are following up on these leads.
  3. In an effort to ensure the safety of all children, the local women's association organized an emergency meeting to discuss safety measures and precautions to take during emergencies.
  4. A concerned group of parents, mainly women, formed a watch group to patrol the streets and parks around the school, hoping to prevent any future incidents.
  5. The use of advanced technology is not limited to the search for Valeriia; residents of Döbeln have also reported sightings of drones and helicopters occasionally surveying their neighborhoods, believed to be part of Germany's national security measures.

