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Concern over potential attacks and busy fan zones lead most people to watch the European Football Championship on television.

Approximately 70% of people in Germany prefer to watch the European Men's Football Championship matches at home on their TV. This finding was revealed in a study conducted by the University of Hohenheim and shared on Monday. In contrast, around 30% intend to participate in public viewing...

Public viewing in Berlin during previous European Championships
Public viewing in Berlin during previous European Championships

Concern over potential attacks and busy fan zones lead most people to watch the European Football Championship on television.

In a recently conducted survey, it was revealed that approximately one in five respondents feel uneasy about public events due to security concerns, leading them to avoid attendance. A significant group of 34% of the participants mentioned that public gatherings are too crowded, thus seeking alternatives. One popular choice among this group is organizing private viewing parties with friends and acquaintances or watching the events in bars and pubs.

When it comes to the Euro 2024 matches in stadiums, the majority of respondents deemed the expenses involved as impractical. Out of the respondents, 14% made attempts to purchase tickets via the official platform, with nearly half of them succeeding. On the other hand, around 10% are still searching for tickets. Tickets for games involving the German team rank high on the list of people's preferences, and two-thirds of them expressed their readiness to purchase them from the black market.

The Men's European Football Championship (EM) officially commences this Friday and wraps up on July 14 across ten German cities, namely Berlin, Cologne, Munich, Frankfurt am Main, Hamburg, Dortmund, Leipzig, Gelsenkirchen, Stuttgart, and Düsseldorf. The federal government is projecting around 2.7 million spectators in the stadiums, while up to 12 million fans are expected on the fan miles throughout these cities.

The study was conducted on a sample size of 1000 individuals and the results accurately reflect the general population's viewpoints. The survey took place between early and mid-May.

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