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Con artist faces imprisonment for stealing 765,000 euros from a dentist.

The Mönchengladbach District Court has sentenced an individual to 7.5 years in prison for fraud. The defendant deceived a dentist "like a Christmas goose," according to the public prosecutor.

Exterior view of the regional and district court.
Exterior view of the regional and district court.

A 53-year-old man was found guilty of stealing over €765,000 from a Mönchengladbach dentist by telling numerous lies and was sentenced to seven and a half years in prison. On Tuesday, the district court found the defendant guilty of deception in 69 different cases. The prosecutor described the crime as "deceiving her from top to bottom...plucking her like a Christmas goose." The man had also been in a romantic relationship with the victim.

The court ruled that the man had fooled the dentist into giving him the money by pretending to be a successful lawyer and co-founder of a law firm. He showed her various heartbreaking stories about his hardships to get the cash. "We are convinced that each individual act was a deception," said the judge.

Based on the prosecution's indictment, the man had tricked the woman with fictitious stories of financial trouble caused by the death of a child in infancy, the treatment of a supposedly severe daughter's cancer, and his separation from his wife. The amount he stole, he used to buy expensive luxury items.

The dentist had confessed that she met the defendant in 2017 as an emergency patient. From there, a private relationship and a love affair started to develop. "He inserted himself into my life as a patient," the woman shared. Despite warnings from her loved ones, she continued to support the seemingly unfortunate man financially. Until she was unable to meet her own financial obligations at the end of 2021.

The man addressed the charges for the first time during the trial and said that the victim knew from the get-go that he didn't have any money since he ran a workshop. The strict sentence matches the prosecutor's request. The defense attorney didn't push for a specific punishment and hinted that an appeal might be on the cards.

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