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"Companies train like they did 50 years ago"

Encrusted training system

The German education system could do with a makeover, says Alexander
The German education system could do with a makeover, says Alexander

"Companies train like they did 50 years ago"

Having started out as a learning platform for school students, Simpleclub is now focusing on trainees. Founder and CEO Giesecke explains on "So techt Deutschland" why many companies are training "as they did 50 years ago" - and how things could be better.

Germany's economic success is based on many pillars. One of these is the internationally unique dual vocational training system. The problem: the lack of young talent. Almost 69,000 training places are unfilled. The latest DIHK Skilled Workers Report shows that 55% of companies are unable to fill positions that they had originally intended for people with dual vocational training.

There are many reasons for this plight. One could be the encrusted training system, says Alexander Giesecke. The founder of Simpleclub recalls a visit to a car manufacturer a few years ago. The trainees were standing in front of a vehicle with notes hanging on it. "It was a printed PowerPoint presentation of over 500 pages. And that was the learning material they had at their disposal," says Giesecke. This is where Simpleclub wants to start and digitize vocational training.

The start-up is now working with over 300 corporate customers. The differences are huge. Some companies are pioneers, with internal academies or their own studios to produce learning videos. "Then there are other companies that still feel like they're living in the Stone Age," says Giesecke. What all these companies have in common is that they have recognized that the way people learn has changed. "Very young people are used to being on YouTube, TikTok and so on." This trend must also be taken into account in vocational training.

At the same time, Simpleclub continues to grow. The start-up, which was once founded by Alexander Giesecke and others while he was still at school, now has over 100 employees and operates internationally. In the latest episode of "So techt Deutschland", Alexander Giesecke explains how they stay up to date, what artificial intelligence means for the company and how Germany is faring as a training location.

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