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Companies supplying FFP2 masks prepare to sue federal government, potentially costing billions in damages.

Federal health ministry faces potential billion-euro liabilities from coronavirus mask supplier lawsuits, according to "Welt am Sonntag" report. It indicates that the Federal Ministry of Health acknowledged to FDP's question about over a hundred ongoing legal actions filed by mask distributors...

FFP2 masks
FFP2 masks

Companies supplying FFP2 masks prepare to sue federal government, potentially costing billions in damages.

During the coronavirus pandemic in 2020, the procurement processes were implemented from the previousHealth Minister Jens Spahn (CDU). Initially, Spahn offered an open-ended purchase of FFP2 masks priced at 4.50 Euro per unit to all suppliers. However, disputes arose later as the ministry partly refused to pay, citing issues like faulty or delayed deliveries as reasons. Unfortunately, many masks ended up not being used as they weren't needed.

The number of legal disputes increased towards the end of the previous year as the deadline for filing these lawsuits expired in December. The results of these lawsuits are still pending, as noted by FDP budget politician Karsten Klein who posed the question to the newspaper. However, it's already clear: "The aftermath of the excessive mask procurement under the former Health Minister Jens Spahn is getting more devastating by the day."

BSW Chair Sahra Wagenknecht told AFP that Spahn had made a "clear error." Notably, it's not Spahn, but the taxpayer who's bearing the brunt of the costs now. "These events once again emphasize the need for a Corona investigation committee in the German parliament."

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