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Companies anticipate significant wage increases

The Ifo Institute and the personnel service provider Randstad surveyed 686 HR managers from industry, trade and service companies. They all expect wage increases. Will staff be cut as a result?

82 percent of HR managers surveyed expect wages to rise.
82 percent of HR managers surveyed expect wages to rise.

Survey - Companies anticipate significant wage increases

Many employees can expect substantial pay rises in the coming year. The vast majority of HR managers surveyed by the Ifo Institute and the personnel service provider Randstad expect average wage increases of 4.7 percent in their own companies.

For the study, the economic researchers surveyed 686 HR managers from industry, trade and service companies. 82 percent of those surveyed expect wages to rise, 17 percent expect them to remain the same. The industrial companies surveyed plan to increase wages by an average of 4.0 percent. The retail companies are expecting a 4.9 percent increase, while the service providers surveyed are expecting wage increases of 5.2 percent.

Half of the companies surveyed stated that their headcount will remain the same in the coming six months. 19 percent intend to cut jobs, while 32 percent plan to take on more staff. Of the companies looking for staff, half stated that there were too few applicants.

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