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Committee inquisits finance minister on Weil worker

Discussions about a raise in pay for a key staff member in the PM's office have been ongoing in Lower Saxony's politics for some time now. Another individual is set to testify before a state parliament committee.

Stephan Weil (SPD, r), Minister President of Lower Saxony, speaks at a press conference on a...
Stephan Weil (SPD, r), Minister President of Lower Saxony, speaks at a press conference on a supplementary budget due to the floods at the state press conference alongside Gerald Heere (Alliance 90/The Greens), Finance Minister of Lower Saxony.

A governmental entity responsible for creating and passing laws in a country. - Committee inquisits finance minister on Weil worker

A witness, Finance Minister Gerald Heere from the Greens, is scheduled to testify in the lower Saxony state parliament's investigative committee on Thursday at 10:15 am. The committee is trying to determine if a salary increase for a close aide to Minister President Stephan Weil (SPD) was allowable. The opposition CDU claims it breaks long-standing administrative rules after this change was seemingly done for just one person. The State Chancellery rejects the allegation that the higher payment was inappropriate.

Prosecutors in Hanover are investigating potential embezzlement related to the higher payment of Weil's aide, according to a spokesperson from the public prosecutor's office on Tuesday. The ongoing inquiry is against unidentified individuals.

Note: I would rephrase the sentence where it's mentioned "the question is whether the increase in remuneration for the Weil aide was permissible," to something like "The committee is looking into the validity of the higher salary given to Stephan Weil's aide."

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