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Commitment to end fossil fuels remains uncertain in Dubai

At the UN Climate Change Conference in Dubai, it remains questionable whether a commitment to abandon the use of fossil fuels will be reached. A new draft text for the planned final document circulated on Tuesday initially only lists various options. One of these is not to mention the topic at all.

Oil production
Oil production

Commitment to end fossil fuels remains uncertain in Dubai

The most far-reaching variant calls for an "orderly and fair phase-out of fossil fuels". A third variant calls for "accelerating efforts to phase out fossil fuels in the absence of carbon capture and storage and to rapidly reduce their use in order to achieve carbon neutrality in the energy system by or around mid-century".

The future use of fossil fuels is one of the main points of contention at the COP. Oil- and gas-exporting countries in particular are resisting calls for a phase-out, as are a number of other countries that still use fossil fuels on a large scale. Conversely, numerous other countries, including Germany and the EU, are pushing for the phase-out perspective to be enshrined in the final document of the climate conference.

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