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Commissioner for Foreigners for faster access to the labor market

The state commissioners for foreigners and integration are advocating easier access to the labor market for refugees. In addition, the linguistic and social integration of people with prospects of staying should be better promoted. "We have great potential in Germany for people who can be...

Refugees - Commissioner for Foreigners for faster access to the labor market

The state commissioners for foreigners and integration are advocating easier access to the labor market for refugees. In addition, the linguistic and social integration of people with prospects of staying should be better promoted. "We have great potential in Germany for people who can be placed on the labor market after a phase of arrival, orientation and basic German language skills," explained Geert Mackenroth, Saxony's Commissioner for Foreigners, in Dresden on Tuesday. At the same time, however, there are hurdles that make it more difficult to find work quickly.

Integration is determined by access to the labor market, explained Mackenroth after a meeting of foreigners and integration commissioners. This had to become more flexible than before. Where possible, people should also be able to gain further qualifications while working.

The Federal Government Commissioner for Integration, Reem Alabali-Radovan, described it as a "national effort" to ensure integration right from the start. The federal government is ensuring faster asylum procedures, shortening work bans and providing more funding for integration courses in 2024.

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Geert Mackenroth, the Commissioner for Foreigners in Saxony, emphasized the importance of improving the promotion of labor market integration for refugees with prospects of staying, stating that Germany has abundant potential in this regard. Mackenroth emphasized that integration is heavily influenced by access to the labor market, and suggested making this process more flexible. In addition, Mackenroth suggested allowing individuals to gain further qualifications while working. The Federal Government Commissioner for Integration, Reem Alabali-Radovan, has highlighted the need for a "national effort" to ensure integration from the start, with measures such as faster asylum procedures, shortening work bans, and providing more funding for integration courses in 2024.


