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Commission presents second report on the Dillinger case

On Wednesday (2.30 p.m.), the Trier diocese's investigation commission will present the second interim report on the case of the priest Edmund Dillinger, who was suspected of abuse and died at the end of 2022. The report was compiled by the former Koblenz Public Prosecutor General Jürgen Brauer...

Church - Commission presents second report on the Dillinger case

On Wednesday (2.30 p.m.), the Trier diocese's investigation commission will present the second interim report on the case of the priest Edmund Dillinger, who was suspected of abuse and died at the end of 2022. The report was compiled by the former Koblenz Public Prosecutor General Jürgen Brauer and the former Deputy Head of the Trier Public Prosecutor's Office, Ingo Hromada, in a separate project for the commission.

The former Catholic priest from Friedrichsthal in Saarland is suspected of having sexually abused young people in particular for decades from the 1970s onwards and of having photographed them in sometimes pornographic poses. After the man's death, Dillinger's nephew found dozens of unframed slides in his house - and went public with them in April.

Read also:

  1. The interim report on the Dillinger case, presented by the Trier diocese's investigation commission, sheds light on the criminality of the former priest, who sexually abused young people for decades in Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland.
  2. The bishopric of Trier and the Public Prosecutor's Office in Rhineland-Palatinate will need to carefully consider the findings in the interim report, as they strive for justice and accountability in the face of these heinous acts.
  3. The second interim report on the Dillinger case, prepared by the former Public Prosecutor General Jürgen Brauer and the former Deputy Head of the Trier Public Prosecutor's Office, Ingo Hromada, is of significant public interest, as it may uncover further details about the extent of the criminality and the involvement of the Church in this case.
  4. The Public Prosecutor's Office in Saarland is also expected to examine the evidence presented in the interim report, as there may be potential charges related to criminal activities in their jurisdiction.




Attal on Sunday evening in Paris

France's Prime Minister Attal announces his resignation

France's Prime Minister Gabriel Attal has announced his resignation following the defeat of the governing camp in the parliamentary elections. "In accordance with republican tradition and my principles, I am submitting my resignation to the President tomorrow," he said in Paris on Sunday....

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