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Commission: EU member states and EU Parliament agree on asylum reform

The EU Parliament and the EU member states have reached an agreement on a comprehensive reform of the EU's asylum and migration policy. This was announced by EU Commissioner for Migration Margaritis Schinas on Wednesday. The reform essentially provides for stricter asylum rules, asylum...

A migrant with his belongings at the German-Polish
A migrant with his belongings at the German-Polish

Commission: EU member states and EU Parliament agree on asylum reform

With the reform of the Common European Asylum System (CEAS), the European Union wants to learn the lessons of 2015 and 2016, when more than one million people came to Germany alone, after years of dispute.

The planned asylum procedures at the external borders, which are intended to prevent people with particularly low chances of being accepted from continuing their journey, were particularly controversial.

According to MPs,Germany failed with its demand to exclude families with children from the border procedures. The Greens in particular had called for this.

Left-wing MP Cornelia Ernst explained: "In future, asylum seekers will be detained at the border, and this should also be possible for families with children of all ages." It would then be possible to "deport people directly" from the border, including to so-called safe third countries.

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