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Commerzbank can start share buyback: Approval granted

Commerzbank can start its planned new share buyback program. With the approval of the European Central Bank (ECB), all requirements have now been met, the company announced late Wednesday evening. The program has a volume of 600 million euros and will be implemented at the beginning of January....

The Commerzbank logo on a branch.
The Commerzbank logo on a branch.

European Central Bank - Commerzbank can start share buyback: Approval granted

Commerzbank can start its planned new share buyback program. With the approval of the European Central Bank (ECB), all requirements have now been met, the company announced late Wednesday evening. The program has a volume of 600 million euros and will be implemented at the beginning of January. The repurchased shares are to be retired. The news did not cause any major movement in the share price.

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