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Commencement of School in MV: Enhanced Teaching of German and Mathematics for Primary Grade Pupils

The extended summer break of six weeks has concluded. The orderly agenda of school has resumed for over 160,000 children and adolescents in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.

Despite the summer's lingering warmth encouraging swimming, academic activities have resumed for...
Despite the summer's lingering warmth encouraging swimming, academic activities have resumed for pupils in MV, marking the return to the school routine.

- Commencement of School in MV: Enhanced Teaching of German and Mathematics for Primary Grade Pupils

Following a six-week summer break, an astounding 164,200 pupils in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern commenced the new academic year on a Monday. Among this crowd, there were 14,500 first-graders who celebrated their school introduction on a Saturday. For these novice scholars, the daily commute to school is a novel experience. The Education Minister, Simone Oldenburg (from the Left), called upon all road users to exercise extra caution.

Law Enforcement initiates safety measures for school routes

The state police declared their intention to prioritize school route safety and overtaking regulations in September. With targeted inspections, especially near schools or bus stops, they aim to raise awareness about road safety. The parents of first-graders are encouraged to teach their kids the importance of safe and responsible road behavior, according to a statement.

The school commute presents a higher risk of accidents for many kids. Inexperience often makes it difficult for them to fully comprehend road hazards and react unpredictably. Therefore, drivers must exercise added vigilance and courtesy, the police insisted. "We all can collaborate in ensuring our children reach school safely and return home unscathed," they emphasized.

As per the Interior Ministry in Schwerin, around 420 children aged 6 to 14 suffered injuries in road accidents in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern in 2023, with about 70 of these incidents occurring on the way to or from school.

New educational innovations

Minister Oldenburg highlighted some new educational approaches. From the 2024/2025 academic year, a reading program will be implemented across primary school grades, dedicating 20 minutes each day for reading practice. In response to apparent deficiencies, primary school students in grades 3 and 4 will now have an additional hour of German and an additional hour of mathematics per week.

The Startchancen program will specifically aid disadvantaged students. Oldenburg mentioned that 72 schools at 70 locations benefit from this federal-state program, receiving €17 million in federal funds annually. First aid training and career orientation will also be reinforced. On the same day, approximately 36,400 students at public and private vocational schools embarked on their new training year.

Lessons in new school structures

Minister Oldenburg also emphasized that the state and municipalities continue their school construction campaign. Over 40 school construction projects with total investments of around €200 million have been completed or nearing completion this year, and 24 more are underway.

€22.5 million was invested in the construction of the Europaschule in Hagenow (district of Ludwigslust-Parchim), over €9 million in the expansion of the Regional School "Robert Koch" in Grimmen (district of Vorpommern-Rügen). Building the Regional School "Käthe Kollwitz" in Bützow (district of Rostock) cost €30 million. From 2024 to 2027, an additional €400 million will be invested in new buildings and school renovations, €100 million from the state and €300 million from the municipalities.

Teacher shortage remains a constant struggle

However, securing teaching staff remains a challenge in many areas. According to the Education and Science Union (GEW), the MV teacher job market remains competitive. Recently, the GEW state chairman, Nico Leschinski, highlighted the fact that there are still over 370 teaching positions yet to be filled. Additionally, 65 leadership positions also need to be occupied.

The heavy traffic during school rush hours could exacerbate the risk of accidents for the inexperienced first-graders. Therefore, it's crucial for drivers to be extra cautious and abide by all road regulations near schools.

Furthermore, the heavy investment in new school structures, such as the Europaschule in Hagenow, aims to provide a safer and more conducive learning environment for these young students.

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