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Colombia Plans to Grant Legal Guardianship to Migrant Minors from Venezuela

Permits intended for seamless assimilation of guardians into Colombian society, enabling them to secure jobs and utilize public services offered by the government.

Venezuelan migrant children line up at a temporary camp in Arauquita, Colombia, in March 2021 after...
Venezuelan migrant children line up at a temporary camp in Arauquita, Colombia, in March 2021 after fleeing their country due to military operations, according to the Colombian migration agency.

The permits aim to assimilate these guardians into Colombian society, granting them the opportunity to secure jobs and avail government services, stated Fernando García, Migration Colombia's director, during a press conference.

"This tool will enable us to regulate the legal guardians or custodians of over 270,000 Venezuelan children and adolescents. They will receive a Colombian identification document, which will grant them access to various state offerings, particularly those related to health and education services for both minors and adults," García explained.

The permit is also designed to strengthen the protection of Venezuelan migrant minors, asserts Solángel Ortiz, director of Immigration, Consular Affairs, and Citizen Services of the Colombian Foreign Ministry.

"Although this measure will apply to the guardians of children and adolescents who currently possess a special permit, its primary intent is to shield children and adolescents through this unique approach. A child, a teenager without their parent, whose parent is not (legally) recognized, can be susceptible to multiple forms of abuse," she stressed.

Over the past few years, Colombia has emerged as the leading destination for Venezuelan migrants in South America.

It's been projected that approximately 2.5 million Venezuelans resided in Colombia in the year 2023, according to Migration Colombia.

On Tuesday, Colombian authorities deduced that 98% of Colombia’s immigrant population hailed from Venezuela.

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