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Cologne Vice Chairman Sauren again speaks out against DFL investor

On December 11, the DFL wants to make a second attempt to bring in an investor. After SC Freiburg, a second first division club has now publicly declared its opposition.

The new CEO Eckhard Sauren
The new CEO Eckhard Sauren

Cologne Vice Chairman Sauren again speaks out against DFL investor

FC Köln has become the second Bundesliga club after SC Freiburg to publicly position itself against the entry of an investor in the German Football League (DFL). "The DFL has significantly improved its investor proposal. But unfortunately it has still not sufficiently examined whether there are more sensible alternatives to a private equity investor," Cologne's Vice President Eckhard Sauren told ARD's "Sportschau": "We continue to believe it is imperative that only the 36 professional clubs decide on the development of German professional soccer and that no private equity company sits at the table."

Following the resounding failure of the first attempt, in which the Cologne clubs also took a clear stance against the idea, the DFL will attempt again at the general meeting on December 11. The 36 clubs in Bundesliga 1 and 2 will then vote again on a possible investor deal. The new partner is to pay between 900 million and one billion euros spread over several seasons for an eight percent share of the TV revenue. The contract is to have a maximum term of 20 years and be signed by the start of the 2024/25 season.


