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Cologne terror alert: carnivalists only without sabres in the cathedral

Due to the terror alert that has been in place for Cologne Cathedral since Christmas, carnivalists will not be allowed to wear sabres during the traditional service on Wednesday to kick off the carnival season. The sabres are normally part of the guard uniforms. It has also been agreed with the...

A police car in front of the cathedral.
A police car in front of the cathedral.

Hazard situation - Cologne terror alert: carnivalists only without sabres in the cathedral

Due to the terror alert that has been in place for Cologne Cathedral since Christmas, carnivalists will not be allowed to wear sabres during the traditional service on Wednesday to kick off the carnival season. The sabres are normally part of the guard uniforms. It has also been agreed with the carnival societies that flags may only be waved inside the cathedral, the police announced on Tuesday. The cathedral will remain closed to tourists due to the risk situation. The security authorities had received information shortly before Christmas that Islamists were planning to carry out an attack in the vicinity of the cathedral on New Year's Eve.

"It is an image that none of us would like to see when emergency services search visitors to Christian masses," said Martin Lotz, head of security for the Cologne police. However, the security precautions to protect people and the cathedral would be maintained for as long as necessary. It is not yet possible to predict when a return to normality will be possible. Investigations are continuing at full speed.

Two suspects who were arrested on Christmas Eve in Wesel and on New Year's Eve in Nörvenich in the district of Düren reportedly remain in police custody by court order.

Cologne police press release

Read also:

  1. The terror alert in Germany, specifically in Cologne, has led to a restriction during the carnival season, as sabres are not allowed in the Cologne Cathedral during the worship service.
  2. The risk situation surrounding the cathedral necessitated discussions between the police and carnival societies, resulting in flags being the only allowed object for waving inside.
  3. Even with the terror alert persisting, Martin Lotz, head of security for the Cologne Police, emphasized the commitment to maintaining security until the situation improves.
  4. The potential attack was reportedly planned by Islamists for New Year's Eve in the vicinity of Cologne Cathedral, prompting heightened security measures.
  5. Despite the ongoing investigations and judicial proceedings, two suspects remain in police custody as directed by the court, following arrests in Wesel and Nörvenich during the Christmas and New Year's Eve periods.
  6. The traditionally raucous carnival season in Cologne will be affected by this terror alert, with the danger of terrorism and the tightened security measures casting a shadow over the festive celebrations.
  7. The city of Cologne has faced challenging times, as Criminality related to Islamist extremism poses a constant threat and requires vigilance and a unified response from the police and community.




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