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Cologne Mayor Reker on New Year's Eve: Don't be intimidated

The Mayor of Cologne, Henriette Reker, has called on people shortly before New Year's Eve not to be intimidated in the face of reports of possible terrorist attacks. "I have every confidence that the Cologne police will do everything they can to ensure a safe New Year's Eve for the people of...

A police car in front of the cathedral.
A police car in front of the cathedral.

Terror tips - Cologne Mayor Reker on New Year's Eve: Don't be intimidated

The Mayor of Cologne, Henriette Reker, has called on people shortly before New Year's Eve not to be intimidated in the face of reports of possible terrorist attacks. "I have every confidence that the Cologne police will do everything they can to ensure a safe New Year's Eve for the people of Cologne," the independent politician told the Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger newspaper (Friday). Many of the current crises have also reached Cologne. "However, we must neither be discouraged by crises nor intimidated by acute threats."

The security authorities had received information about a possible attack plan by an Islamist group relating to New Year's Eve - on Cologne Cathedral and a church in Vienna. Security precautions were increased.

The Lord Mayor also called on revelers to observe the ban on firecrackers in the city center and to follow instructions from the police and public order office.

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