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Collision resulting in severely injured female passenger: vehicle crashes into bus.

Following a bus incident, a female passenger necessitates an aerial ambulance trip to the medical facility.

Vehicle collision: Automobile hits bus - Female sustains severe injuries
Vehicle collision: Automobile hits bus - Female sustains severe injuries

- Collision resulting in severely injured female passenger: vehicle crashes into bus.

In a road collision involving a vehicle and a public bus in Mattchow, a district of Vorpommern-Rügen, numerous individuals sustained injuries on a Monday evening. The main culprit, a 39-year-old motorist, failed to give way at an intersection, resulting in a collision with the bus, according to the authorities.

The driver and her companion endured minor wounds. Fortunately, her offspring, who were also in the vehicle, escaped unscathed. The 50-year-old bus chauffeur emerged unscathed as well. Unfortunately, a 55-year-old woman who was on the public transit vehicle endured severe injuries and was transported to the Greifswald hospital via helicopter.

Two school-aged children were aboard the bus and fortunately, they were unharmed and exited the scene on their own. The projected property damage is approximately 25,000 euros.

The 55-year-old woman who was injured is being treated at the Greifswald hospital, joining other patients there. Despite the chaos, many women and men on the public bus managed to exit the scene safely.

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