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Collision Ensuing Disagreement among Intoxicated Motorists

A blue light shines on a police patrol.
A blue light shines on a police patrol.

Worth Discussed: Details Surface about the Matter of Interest at Wörth - Collision Ensuing Disagreement among Intoxicated Motorists

A bust-up between two boozed-up truck drivers on a Saturday night in Wörth ended in an accident at a truck stop. A 35-year-old guy, hammered beyond the 3 Promille limit, rammed a parked truck with his transit vehicle, according to the police statement released on Sunday. It seems this clash started over the parking arrangement, and the 35-year-old, after exchanging heated words with a 37-year-old drunk driver, got into his vehicle, but sadly, he put it in reverse instead of forward, resulting in the collision. The rough estimate for the damage caused is approximately 1000 Euros.

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