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Collective bargaining round in the public sector: VBE calls for a rally

Chairs are placed on the desks in an elementary school
Chairs are placed on the desks in an elementary school

Collective bargaining round in the public sector: VBE calls for a rally

The trade unions are piling on the pressure in the collective bargaining round for the public sector in the federal states: the Verband Bildung und Erziehung (VBE) is calling on employees in the teaching and social sector to take part in a rally in Dortmund on Monday (10.00 am). The NRW state association had previously called on social education specialists in the school sector to go on a warning strike. They should not go to schools at the beginning of the week, but should come to the rally. Around 200 participants were expected. A VBE spokeswoman said that after the second round of negotiations failed on Friday, they wanted to take their demands to the streets with vigor.

The unions are demanding an income increase of 10.5 percent, but at least 500 euros more. In Dortmund, VBE state head Stefan Behlau and federal vice chairwoman Rita Mölders are also among the announced speakers. According to the unions, the wage dispute is about the salaries of around 1.1 million employees across Germany. Around 1.4 million civil servants, to whom the result is usually transferred, would also be affected. A third round of negotiations is planned for December.

The federal states are currently dealing with the issue of tariffs in the public service sector, as the unions are pushing for an income increase of at least 500 euros. Despite the failure of the second round of negotiations, the VBE has announced a rally in Dortmund to demonstrate their demands, involving public service employees from various federal states.




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