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Collective agreement for Historical-Technical Museum in Peenemünde

The employees of HTM Peenemünde have put the pressure on with warning strikes - with success. The state is prepared to conclude a collective agreement.

The former power station is located on the grounds of the Peenemünde Historical and
The former power station is located on the grounds of the Peenemünde Historical and Technical

Collective agreement for Historical-Technical Museum in Peenemünde

After several warning strikes, the employees of the Historisch-Technisches Museum (HTM) Peenemünde have received the collective agreement they demanded. The state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania is now prepared to conclude a collective recognition agreement that will guarantee the museum's employees the level of the collective agreement for the public service of the federal states, the Verdi trade union announced on Monday.

Talks on this will take place shortly. According to the information provided, it still needs to be clarified when the collective recognition agreement should apply. Verdi is demanding a retroactive start date of April 2023.

The Historical-Technical Museum, which focuses on the development of Hitler's V2 weapon at the historical site, is 51 percent funded by the state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and 49 percent by the municipality of Peenemünde.

The Ministry of Culture in Schwerin confirmed the end of the wage dispute. "We have decided that the Historical-Technical Museum in Peenemünde will be covered by a collective agreement in future," explained Minister Bettina Martin (SPD). "We will approach the Supervisory Board accordingly so that the management of the HTM can begin negotiations." The "Ostsee-Zeitung" had previously reported.

This was preceded by repeated actions and warning strikes by HTM employees in recent months. According to the Ministry of Culture, the museum's employees have been paid in line with the collective agreement since September 1. To this end, change agreements had been concluded with the employees.

The red-red state government of Minister President Manuela Schwesig (SPD) has repeatedly called on businesses in the north-east to conclude more collective agreements for their employees. Collective bargaining coverage in MV is below average.

The government's decision to cover the Historical-Technical Museum in Peenemünde under a collective agreement aligns with the red-red state government's calls for more collective bargaining agreements. However, the implementation of this agreement, including its retroactive start date of April 2023, is still under negotiation, considering the tariffs involved.




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