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Collection of signatures for popular initiative

Fridays for Future has begun collecting signatures for a popular initiative for stronger, more binding and socially acceptable climate protection efforts in Hamburg. Dozens of supporters came together in the Schanzenviertel district on Wednesday for a kick-off event to get in the mood for the...

A participant holds a protest poster at the Fridays for Future demonstration.
A participant holds a protest poster at the Fridays for Future demonstration.

Fridays for Future has begun collecting signatures for a popular initiative for stronger, more binding and socially acceptable climate protection efforts in Hamburg. Dozens of supporters came together in the Schanzenviertel district on Wednesday for a kick-off event to get in the mood for the campaign to decide on the future, according to a spokesperson for the climate movement. The initiative is supported by the environmental association Nabu, the trade union Verdi and the Hamburg Tenants' Association, among others. The Left Party also called on its members to sign on Wednesday.

The plan is to make Hamburg a climate-neutral city by 2040 with the future decision. To this end, there are to be annual CO2 emission ceilings for the transport, industry, private households and trade/commerce/services sectors. Fridays for Future described the climate protection law passed by the red-green Senate before the end of the year as inadequate.

If 10,000 signatures are collected from eligible Hamburg voters in the coming weeks, the city parliament will have to deal with the popular initiative. If it does not approve it, the way would be clear for a referendum and ultimately also for a referendum - which could then take place together with the 2025 federal elections.

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