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Collaboration in the black-green alliance thrives.

In the midst of various crises, Green Party leader Petersdotter considers the collaboration within the black-green coalition in Schleswig-Holstein to be favorable.

Lasse Petersdotter (Alliance 90/The Greens), parliamentary leader of the Greens in...
Lasse Petersdotter (Alliance 90/The Greens), parliamentary leader of the Greens in Schleswig-Holstein, smiles.

Petersdotter's words reveal: - Collaboration in the black-green alliance thrives.

The green-black coalition in Schleswig-Holstein is thriving, according to the leader of the Green faction, Lasse Petersdotter. "In Schleswig-Holstein, we've found ourselves right in the midst of the next energy price, inflation, and financial turmoil due to a crisis like the Corona pandemic. But we're handling this crisis very smoothly, thanks to the trust we have in our alliance," he informed the German Press Agency. "This stability is pretty priceless in times like these."

Petersdotter believes that the Greens are excelling in their alliance with the CDU when it comes to key issues. He cites the housing sector, with the return of rent control for rents, the new housing protection law, and a national push for social housing as examples.

In response to the failed attempt to establish a national park in the Baltic Sea, Petersdotter stated that it would have been a major achievement if they had been able to accomplish it within two and a half years. "However, this is the largest Baltic Sea protection program in Schleswig-Holstein's history. Given the current situation, we should be content with that, or else we'd be unrealistic," he said. For now, the Greens have come to terms with this. It's no secret that they will continue to advocate for a national park in the coming years, Petersdotter added.

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