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Coalition leaders discuss state finances

The leaders of the black-red-yellow coalition in Saxony-Anhalt are meeting today for a special session in Magdeburg. The background to the coalition committee's deliberations is the impact of the Federal Constitutional Court's budget ruling. The Ministry of Finance announced last week that it was currently examining "the consequences of the ruling and how to deal with them".

On 15 November, the Federal Constitutional Court declared the reallocation of 60 billion euros in loans in the 2021 federal budget null and void. They had been approved to tackle the coronavirus crisis, but were to be used for climate protection and modernizing the economy.

The coalition's deliberations could focus on the special coronavirus fund, among other things. In December 2021, the state parliament passed a supplementary budget including the special fund. This is intended to cushion the consequences of the pandemic over several years. The package, amounting to 1.997 billion euros, comprises around 60 measures.

The leaders of the coalition are contemplating how to manage the financial implications of the Federal Constitutional Court's ruling, which invalidated the reallocation of funds for climate protection and modernizing the economy from the special coronavirus fund. The discussions in the black-red-yellow coalition in Parliament could include strategies to utilize the remaining funds from the special coronavirus fund, allocated for the household budgets and various projects.




The Rwandan Marburg Virus Outbreak, as per the African Health Authority's report, is currently being managed effectively.

The Rwandan Marburg Virus Outbreak, as per the African Health Authority's report, is currently being managed effectively.

The Rwandan Marburg Virus Outbreak, as per the African Health Authority's report, is currently being managed effectively. Following some fatalities due to the Marburg virus in Rwanda, the African health organization Africa CDC has temporarily declared the situation under control. As stated by the organization's head,

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