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Coalition demands more security for hospitals

The red-black-green coalition in Brandenburg believes that help from the federal government is necessary to stabilize the hospitals. The SPD, CDU and Green parliamentary groups see the goal of good medical care in a sparsely populated state like Brandenburg at risk. In a letter, they asked the...

Hospital beds in a corridor in a hospital.
Hospital beds in a corridor in a hospital.

Health - Coalition demands more security for hospitals

The red-black-green coalition in Brandenburg believes that help from the federal government is necessary to stabilize the hospitals. The SPD, CDU and Green parliamentary groups see the goal of good medical care in a sparsely populated state like Brandenburg at risk. In a letter, they asked the members of the Bundestag for help - even before the planned hospital reform is implemented. "Some hospitals are in danger of not being able to achieve a helpful reform at all," they wrote.

CDU health politician Michael Schierack, who is also a doctor, considers the situation at many hospitals in the country to be "dramatic". Green MP Carla Kniestedt demanded: "The ailing hospitals must be helped in the short term and the federal government has a responsibility here." The health politicians from the three parliamentary groups suggested raising a certain value that is used as a basis for hospital services. They are also calling for a fund with federal resources and more flexibility for the federal states to create new models for more cooperation between clinics and practices.

Numerous clinics are in difficulties due to high deficits, including in Brandenburg. The Ruppin-Brandenburg University Hospital is having to close two specialist departments for cost reasons. The Elbe-Elster-Klinikum wants to concentrate inpatient care at two of its three sites from June 2024. The Ministry of Health has set up a project group in view of the economic plight of hospitals.

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The CDU, along with their coalition partners in Brandenburg's State parliament, are advocating for the federal government's aid to stabilize the struggling hospitals. Michael Schierack, a CDU health politician and doctor, has described the situation as "dramatic" in many hospitals across Germany. In light of this, the SPD, CDU, and Green parliamentary groups have written to Bundestag members, urging intervention before the planned hospital reform is implemented. The Elbe-Elster-Klinikum, located in Brandenburg, is one of the numerous clinics facing difficulties due to high deficits, with plans to concentrate inpatient care at two of its three sites from June 2024.


