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Coalition circles: Leaders of the coalition government reach agreement in the budget dispute

The top representatives of the traffic light coalition have reached an agreement on the budget for the coming year. An agreement has been reached, the AFP news agency learned from coalition circles on Friday morning. Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD), Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP) and...

Habeck (from left), Scholz and Lindner
Habeck (from left), Scholz and Lindner

Coalition circles: Leaders of the coalition government reach agreement in the budget dispute

Scholz is expected to appear at the SPD-Fraktion in the Bundestag in the morning (07.00 hours) to inform the social democratic deputies about the results of the budget talks. It is assumed that the Chancellor will then appear before the press with Lindner and Habeck in the afternoon.

The three leading representatives of the traffic light government have been in negotiations over a solution in the budget dispute for the past few weeks. FDP leader Lindner had rejected the SPD's demand for a renewed suspension of the debt brake and instead demanded billion-dollar savings. The goal of the talks was also to agree on a dynamic package with measures to strengthen economic growth.

The federal government plans to pass the budget draft on July 17 in the cabinet as planned. It should then be discussed in the Bundestag after the summer break and adopted at the end of November.

  1. The Coalition group, comprising the SPD, the Green party, and the FDP, has been navigating a tense budget dispute, with SPD demanding a halt to the debt brake and FDP's Christian Lindner pushing for savings.
  2. In Coalition circles, tips have been circulating about potential compromises to resolve the budget dispute, with Olaf Scholz, Lindner, and Robert Habeck leading the negotiations.
  3. The AFP reported that the SPD's budget proposal for households faces opposition from the FDP, potentially causing a delay in the formation of the Traffic light government's first budget in the Bundestag.
  4. The budget dispute has led to intensified negotiations within the Traffic light coalition, with Olaf Scholz, Christian Lindner, and Robert Habeck working diligently to find a mutually agreeable solution.
  5. In the afternoon, Chancellor Olaf Scholz, along with FDP leader Christian Lindner and Green party co-leader Robert Habeck, is anticipated to face the press to provide updates on the progress of the budget dispute.
  6. The fiscal policies of the potential Traffic light government hinge on the successful resolution of the budget dispute, as the SPD, FDP, and the Greens aim to form a Traffic light coalition and pass their budget draft in the Bundestag.
  7. Coalition group members have been under pressure to reach an agreement quickly, as the ongoing budget dispute may impact public confidence in the Traffic light government and its ability to deliver on its campaign promises.

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