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Coalition agreement could be signed on December 18

Hesse's Minister President Rhein believes the coalition talks between the CDU and SPD are on schedule. He describes it as "exactly right" to bring many parties on board for the negotiations.

Boris Rhein (CDU), Minister President of Hesse, takes part in an interview with
Boris Rhein (CDU), Minister President of Hesse, takes part in an interview with Deutsche Presse-Agentur dpa in the Hessian State Chancellery.

Prime Minister - Coalition agreement could be signed on December 18

According to Minister President Boris Rhein (CDU), the coalition negotiations between the CDU and SPD in Hesse are on the home straight. Details are currently still being fine-tuned and the potential alliance partners are expected to vote on the paper at party conferences on December 16. "And then I assume that we will be able to sign a coalition agreement on December 18. That is the goal," Rhein told the German Press Agency in Wiesbaden.

The coalition negotiations were "very constructive and exceptionally pleasant in terms of atmosphere", he said. "I am very satisfied with the way things are going." The broad-based process with around 200 participants in more than a dozen working groups had proved its worth. A conscious decision was made not to "withdraw somewhere with 10 or 20 people", but to rely on the suggestions and experience of many responsible people in the party, including mayors and district councillors.

"But I can already say today that what is on the table shows that the process was exactly right," emphasized Rhein. "This has not become some kind of wish-you-would-do program, but it really is the renaissance of realpolitik."

Negotiations with the SPD as a possible junior partner in a new state government were conducted on an equal footing. "We didn't say we have almost 35 percent and you have a little more than 15 percent. And that is the balance of power that must also be reflected politically," Rhein emphasized. "Quite the opposite. So I think we are really building something that works well."

"My life experience, my political experience shows that there is nothing worse than entering a coalition after having subjugated the partner before you," said the Minister President. "That will always come back to haunt you and it is also not the Union's style to deal with colleagues from the SPD in this way."

When asked about the content of the coalition agreement, Rhein referred to the key points paper that the CDU and SPD had presented after the exploratory talks. In it, "very clear guidelines" had already been set, said the head of government.

In the paper, the potential coalition partners commit to limiting migration, for example, as well as to more jobs for the police and financial support for the first owner-occupied home. In addition, a separate ministry for agriculture and forestry as well as viticulture, hunting and homeland is to be created.

In the past decade, Hesse was led by a black-green government. The CDU won the state elections on October 8 by a clear margin. It was then able to choose comfortably between the Greens and the SPD as coalition partners. After exploratory talks, the CDU decided to seek a black-red government alliance. The new Hessian state parliament will be constituted on January 18.

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