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Coach or trainer for DFB women? For Däbritz it doesn't matter

Horst Hrubesch is well received by the German national team. However, his time as interim coach is limited. Now two national team players have commented on the matter.

A soccer ball is in the net before the
A soccer ball is in the net before the

Coach or trainer for DFB women? For Däbritz it doesn't matter

National soccer players Sara Däbritz and Merle Frohms are open to coaches of both genders when it comes to finding a successor for DFB interim coach Horst Hrubesch. "For us players, it's important that it's a good fit both personally and professionally. It doesn't matter which gender," said goalkeeper Frohms on Wednesday ahead of the DFB women's Nations League match against Denmark this Friday (8.30pm/ZDF) in Rostock.

"It doesn't matter, it always depends on the qualities," said Olympique Lyon midfielder Däbritz. "We're really, really happy with the current solution and are focusing on the next two games." Hrubesch had stepped in as interim head coach at the beginning of October after the then national coach Martina Voss-Tecklenburg, whose contract with the German Football Association (DFB) has since been terminated, called in sick.

The 72-year-old is to lead the team around captain Alexandra Popp to the Olympic Games. It remains to be seen whether he will still be sitting on the bench with the European Championship runners-up in Paris 2024. However, if the DFB women do not win by at least two goals to one against Denmark, they will no longer be able to qualify.

"That is certainly a question that is currently on the minds of those responsible and one that they are giving enough thought to," said Frohms from Wolfsburg on the search for a coach. "It's not really such an issue for us because we live in the here and now." She described Hrubesch and his assistant Thomas Nörenberg, who was previously a member of the coaching team, as "super guys".

Most recently, national goalkeeper Almuth Schult, who is currently without a club after the birth of her third child but is still a member of the team council, said: "Basically, I don't see any difficulties when a coach is brought in who doesn't come from the women's game. You can learn the ropes. It would be no different with someone from abroad, for example."

Däbritz also highlighted the importance of a coach's qualities, stating, "It doesn't matter, it always depends on the qualities." Additionally, the topic of finding a permanent coach for the DFB women's national team post-Hrubesch is not a major concern for the players, as Frohms mentioned, "It's not really such an issue for us because we live in the here and now."



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