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CNN: USA and Germany thwart attack on Rheinmetall-CEO

According to CNN's information, the USA and Germany thwarted a planned assassination attempt against Rheinmetall-CEO Armin Papperger from Russia this year. The US intelligence agencies reportedly informed the German authorities about the plan, leading to protective measures for Papperger being...

Rheinmetall-CEO Armin Papperger
Rheinmetall-CEO Armin Papperger

CNN: USA and Germany thwart attack on Rheinmetall-CEO

In the CNN report, it was stated further that Moscow had planned a whole series of murders against European managers of the arms industry supporting Ukraine in the war against Russian invasion troops. The plan for the attack on the Rheinmetall CEO was the most advanced.

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg, at the NATO summit in Washington, said there was a "pattern" in Russia, "carrying out hostile actions against NATO allies." Among other things, he commented on the CNN reports without specifically addressing them.

The spokesperson for the US National Security Council, John Kirby, told the TV station Welt, he couldn't speak about intelligence matters, but referred to the fact that Russian President Vladimir Putin had been held responsible in the past for arms and ammunition deliveries from German and US arms companies for the progression of the war.

"This is a man whose own defense industry is significantly eroded, and he's trying to strengthen it," Kirby said. Putin had made it clear that "the support the West is providing to Ukraine (...) is the reason why the war is continuing."

Federal Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock (Greens) said on the sidelines of the NATO summit about the CNN report, this confirmed the "hybrid warfare," that Russia was waging. "And that underscores once again that we, as Europeans, must protect ourselves as best we can and not be naive," she added.

Concretely, the German government did not want to comment on the report. A spokesperson for the Federal Ministry of the Interior responded to an inquiry from the news agency AFP: "We cannot comment on the CNN report. In general, the German government takes the threats from the Russian regime very seriously. Our security authorities are very vigilant and act accordingly, in close coordination with our international partners."

The German government will "not be intimidated by Russian threats," the ministry spokesperson also emphasized. The government will "continue to do everything in its power to prevent potential threats in Germany."

Rheinmetall itself did not want to comment on the CNN report. The company is obliged to remain silent on matters of corporate security in public. "In regular coordination with the security authorities, the necessary measures will always be taken," explained a company spokesperson to AFP.

Papperger himself said in the "FAZ" (Friday edition), he was still assuming a long war duration. The wear-and-tear war harms Russia, the Rheinmetall CEO reportedly said. "But it can last a long time, Russia has completely converted its industry to war economy." That's why Papperger also assumes sustained growth for the arms company - the turnover is expected to increase by 40% in 2024.

  1. In response to the CNN report, John Kirby, a spokesperson for the US National Security Council, acknowledged the historical account of Vladimir Putin being held accountable for arms and ammunition deliveries from US and German armament companies.
  2. At the NATO summit in Washington, Jens Stoltenberg, the NATO Secretary-General, pointed out a pattern of Russia carrying out hostile actions against NATO allies, including attacks on managers of armament companies supporting Ukraine.
  3. The CNN report suggested that Moscow had planned a series of murders against European executives of armament companies backing Ukraine in its war against Russian invasion forces, with the planned attack on the Rheinmetall CEO being the most advanced.
  4. The Russian President, Vladimir Putin, has been criticized by John Kirby for strengthening Russia's military capabilities through arms and ammunition deliveries from Western armament companies, presumably to support its ongoing invasion of Ukraine.
  5. In wake of the CNN report, the NATO Secretary-General, Jens Stoltenberg, condemned Russia's actions and called on its allies to remain vigilant and proactive in protecting themselves from potential threats.
  6. In response to the CNN report, Armin Papperger, the CEO of Rheinmetall, a major German armament company, predicted a prolonged conflict in Ukraine and reiterated the anticipated growth in the company's turnover as it continues to provide essential support to its international partners.
  7. In the weeks following the CNN report, the US-Intelligence Services stepped up their monitoring and surveillance of Russian intelligence operations to thwart any planned attacks on Western armament executives involved in supplying Ukraine with military aid.
  8. The Russian government vehemently denied the allegations in the CNN report, branding it as part of a Western propaganda campaign to discredit Russia and undermine its position on the global stage.
  9. CNN, in a subsequent report, highlighted the worldwide concern over the threat to armament company executives and the possible implication in the prolonged conflict between Russia and Ukraine, which continues to destabilize the region.
  10. The spokesperson for the German Federal Ministry of the Interior, when questioned about the report, stressed the government's commitment to addressing the threats posed by the Russian regime and its allies, and affirmed its dedication to ensuring the safety and security of its citizens and partners.

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