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CNN: Security agencies prevent Russian attack on Rheinmetall-CEO

The security agencies of the USA and Germany, according to CNN's information, thwarted in this year a murder plot against Rheinmetall-CEO Armin Papperger, planned by Russia. After the US intelligence services learned about the plan, they informed the German authorities, reported US news channel...

Rheinmetall-CEO Armin Papperger
Rheinmetall-CEO Armin Papperger

CNN: Security agencies prevent Russian attack on Rheinmetall-CEO

Russia is reportedly planning an attack on Papperger, the CEO of Rheinmetall, according to CNN, due to the Düsseldorf weapons conglomerate's deliveries to Ukraine. Moscow is said to have planned a series of murders of European managers in the arms industry, aiming to support Ukraine in its war against Russian invasion forces. The plan for the attack on the Rheinmetall CEO is the most advanced.

German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock (Greens) commented on the CNN report on the sidelines of the NATO summit in Washington, stating that this confirms Russia's "hybrid warfare." "And this once again underscores that we as Europeans must do our best to protect ourselves and not be naive," she added.

Concretely, the German government did not want to comment on the report. A spokesperson for the Federal Ministry of the Interior responded to an inquiry from the news agency AFP: "We cannot comment on CNN's report. In general, the German government takes the threats from the Russian regime very seriously. Our security agencies are very vigilant and act accordingly, in close cooperation with our international partners."

The German government will "not be intimidated by Russian threats," the ministry spokesperson also emphasized. The government will "continue to do everything in its power to prevent potential threats in Germany."

Rheinmetall also declined to comment on the CNN report. The company should generally not make public statements on security matters. "In regular coordination with the security agencies, the necessary measures will always be taken," an company spokesperson told AFP.

  1. The security authorities in Germany are reportedly taking the potential threat against Rheinmetall-CEO Armin Papperger seriously, following the CNN report of Russia's plans.
  2. US-Intelligence Agencies have also been monitoring the situation closely, as the attack on Papperger could pose a security risk not only to Rheinmetall but also to the USA, being a key partner in military equipment.
  3. Annalena Baerbock, the German Foreign Minister, has urged NATO allies to strengthen their security measures at the NATO Summit in Washington, in response to Russia's alleged plans.
  4. CNN's report about Russia's plans for attacks on European managers in the arms industry has caused concern among security authorities worldwide.
  5. The attack on Papperger, if carried out, would make him the highest-profile target in Moscow's alleged campaign of murders against European managers in the arms industry.
  6. Rheinmetall has delivered weapons to Ukraine, which has been under Russian invasion, and this has led to heightened tensions between Russia and the company.
  7. The Russian government has not yet officially commented on the CNN report, but its history of hybrid warfare tactics suggest that this might be another example of its involvement in such activities.
  8. The Rheinmetall CEO's safety has become a top priority for the German government and its security authorities due to the advanced stage of the planned attack, as reported by CNN.
  9. The situation remains tense, with Moscow's relationship with NATO and Western arms manufacturers at a critical juncture, and both federal government and security authorities in Germany are working closely to ensure safety and security.

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