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Cloudy weather in Saxony

Mixed winter weather awaits people in Saxony over the next few days. On Thursday, the sky will be overcast, with localized snow, sleet or rain, according to the German Weather Service (DWD). Clouds and precipitation will decrease from the afternoon onwards. Maximum temperatures will be between...

Sunrays penetrate through gaps in the clouds.
Sunrays penetrate through gaps in the clouds.

Weather forecast - Cloudy weather in Saxony

Mixed winter weather awaits people in Saxony over the next few days. On Thursday, the sky will be overcast, with localized snow, sleet or rain, according to the German Weather Service (DWD). Clouds and precipitation will decrease from the afternoon onwards. Maximum temperatures will be between one and four degrees, in the mountains between minus two and plus one degree.

The clouds will clear during the night on Friday. There will be no precipitation, with minimum temperatures of minus three to minus five degrees, and up to minus seven degrees in the mountains. The clouds will increase again from Friday morning. Rain or sleet may come from the west in the late afternoon. It may snow in the upper mountains. Maximum temperatures will be between zero and two degrees, in the mountains between minus five and zero degrees.

Saturday night will also be overcast. There may be snow or sleet. Temperatures will drop to minus one to minus three degrees. Saturday will also be cloudy. It will remain dry, with maximum temperatures of five to eight degrees and up to four degrees in the mountains.

Weather forecast

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