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Clouds and rain expected in Berlin and Brandenburg

Tuesday will be cloudy and rainy in Berlin and Brandenburg. Temperatures will remain less than summery.

Lots of clouds and rain determine the weather situation in Berlin and Brandenburg.
Lots of clouds and rain determine the weather situation in Berlin and Brandenburg.

Weather - Clouds and rain expected in Berlin and Brandenburg

Many clouds and rain are expected for people in Berlin and Brandenburg on Tuesday. However, it remains mostly dry in the morning as reported by the German Weather Service (DWD). Rain then appears occasionally throughout the day. The highest temperatures range from 17 to 20 degrees.

The night leading to Wednesday is expected to be heavily overcast, with occasional light rain in some areas. It gets cooler to temperatures between 10 and 13 degrees.

Showers expected on Wednesday

According to DWD, Wednesday will also see a changing, predominantly strong overcast with occasional showers. Temperatures will range from 18 to 20 degrees.

The clouds remain stubborn in the sky at night, with some areas experiencing light rain. Temperatures drop to values between 10 and 12 degrees.

Despite the rain in Potsdam on Wednesday, the German Weather Service (DWD) predicts a predominantly overcast day with occasional showers. The weather in Berlin and Brandenburg may continue to be unsettled, with some areas experiencing rain. The Weather Service advises people to check the latest updates from DWD for the most accurate forecasts.

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