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Closure of the halls at Bad Kösen shorter than planned

Multiple bridges along the Saale river in the Burgenlandkreis need to be repaired. During the construction, the waterway will be closed for months over several kilometers.

About 3.5 kilometers of the river are navigable for canoeists and other users.
About 3.5 kilometers of the river are navigable for canoeists and other users.

- Closure of the halls at Bad Kösen shorter than planned

The closure of the Saale in the Burgenlandkreis due to the renovation of railway bridges by Deutsche Bahn is being shortened. According to a statement from the Landesverwaltungsamt in Halle (Saale) on Wednesday, the stretch from the ship dock in Bad Kösen to the weir in Bad Kösen will be exempt from this. This means that approximately 3.5 kilometers of the river will be accessible for canoeists and other users.

Representatives of several authorities and the railway company agreed in a renewed discussion following complaints that the closure of the remaining river area is "inevitable for safety reasons". The office cited the danger posed by pontons and the strong current near bridges as examples.

Deutsche Bahn plans to renovate three bridges over the river in the Bad Kösen area by the end of May 2025. Originally, a complete closure of the river for approximately 10.5 kilometers from Großheringen to the Saale Bridge 08 in Bad Kösen had been approved - this faced resistance from the tourism sector and calls for alternative solutions.

The District of Burgenland, although not directly mentioned in the text, shares a border with Burgenlandkreis, the region where the Saale river closure is happening. The renovation of the railway bridges in Deutsche Bahn's plan is not limited to the Burgenlandkreis; similar renovations might be necessary in other districts, including the District of Burgenland.

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