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Closure of summer pools due to bad weather ends

All of Hamburg's summer outdoor pools had only been open for a week before some of them had to close again due to the bad weather. But there is some good news.

Outdoor pools closed due to bad weather reopen
Outdoor pools closed due to bad weather reopen

Outdoor pools - Closure of summer pools due to bad weather ends

The previously announced closure of Hamburg's outdoor pools due to bad weather is expected to end soon. "We will reopen all outdoor pools on Tuesday," Bäderland's operator informed the German Press Agency upon request, as reported by "Hamburger Abendblatt" beforehand.

The opening of all outdoor pools, which began at the end of June, had only lasted for about a week. Only the outdoor pools Bondenwald, Kaifubad, and Naturbad Stadtparksee, as well as the year-round pools, remained open on July 1st.

"The start is weather-dependent and quite late," reported a spokesperson. "We had opened the Kaifubad in mid-May, but hardly any guests came to the pool." Those who want to roll up their mats in the coming weeks should pay attention to the resting days of the pools, which continue to apply. "It is organized so that neighboring locations represent each other. So each guest has a local alternative with only minimal travel effort," it was stated.

According to Bäderland's own statements, the first half of 2024 went satisfactorily. "We have reached the pre-Corona visitor numbers in many locations," the spokesperson emphasized. "Our efforts to recruit staff are also progressing positively, so we expect to be able to turn more rest days of the hall locations back into operating days after the summer season." However, the personnel situation will remain challenging in general.

The German Press Agency shared the news of the upcoming reopening of Hamburg's outdoor pools, which include Bondenwald, Kaifubad, and Naturbad Stadtparksee, as reported in Hamburger Abendblatt. With the reopening of these pools, Hamburg residents can look forward to resuming their leisure time activities, such as swimming, during their spare time.

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