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Clinics in difficulties: project group set up

In view of the economic plight of hospitals, the Brandenburg Ministry of Health has set up a project group. This was announced by Minister Ursula Nonnemacher (Greens) on Wednesday in the state parliament in Potsdam. The project group provides intensive support to hospitals in financial...

Ursula Nonnemacher (Bündnis90/Die Grünen), Brandenburg's Minister of Health.
Ursula Nonnemacher (Bündnis90/Die Grünen), Brandenburg's Minister of Health.

Ministry of Health - Clinics in difficulties: project group set up

In view of the economic plight of hospitals, the Brandenburg Ministry of Health has set up a project group. This was announced by Minister Ursula Nonnemacher (Greens) on Wednesday in the state parliament in Potsdam. The project group provides intensive support to hospitals in financial difficulties and is also involved in consultations. "Our goal remains to keep the services on the network," said Nonnemacher.

In the state parliament, she renewed her demand to the federal government to create a preliminary law for an emergency aid program before the planned hospital reform. The state government does not consider the liquidity aid announced to date to be sufficient. The Minister also pointed out that the state of Brandenburg had increased funding for hospital investments and provided emergency aid and a special crisis program.

The situation for hospitals nationwide is difficult due to high deficits. More insolvencies are feared in 2024.

For example, two specialist departments at the University Hospital in Neuruppin are due to close at the beginning of 2024: the Ear, Nose and Throat Clinic and the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Clinic. Locations at the Elbe-Elster Clinic are being merged. There is protest among the population and employees. According to doctors' representatives, patients in rural areas have to put up with long journeys.

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