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Clinics are treating more young binge drinkers

Contrary to the national trend, the number of young binge drinkers in Rhineland-Palatinate has risen. In 2022, 643 children and adolescents were treated in a clinic in the federal state after excessive alcohol consumption - an increase of around 15 percent compared to the previous year,...

A nurse pushes a hospital bed through a corridor.
A nurse pushes a hospital bed through a corridor.

Youth - Clinics are treating more young binge drinkers

Contrary to the national trend, the number of young binge drinkers in Rhineland-Palatinate has risen. In 2022, 643 children and adolescents were treated in a clinic in the federal state after excessive alcohol consumption - an increase of around 15 percent compared to the previous year, according to the DAK health insurance company in Frankfurt after an evaluation of current data from the state statistics office. In contrast, the number across Germany fell by 1.3 percent.

In Rhineland-Palatinate, there were slightly more boys than girls among the patients. At around 22 percent, the increase was particularly marked among young women in the 15 to 19 age group. Despite the increase, the overall figures are still well below pre-corona levels: in 2019, 1164 young patients in Rhineland-Palatinate were treated as inpatients for alcohol abuse.

"Even if we had significantly fewer cases in 2022 than before the coronavirus pandemic, too many children and young people are still drinking alcohol excessively," said Rhineland-Palatinate's Minister of Social Affairs Alexander Schweitzer (SPD), patron of the DAK competition in the state under the motto "Colorful instead of blue". The best poster ideas from schoolchildren on the subject of binge drinking are awarded prizes to draw attention to the dangers of alcohol.

Colorful instead of blue campaign

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