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Climate report for Bremen and Bremerhaven shows warming

Average temperatures are rising and the smallest federal state is getting warmer. The new climate report shows a great need for action from the point of view of the Senator for the Environment.

The sun rises behind the Bremen television tower.
The sun rises behind the Bremen television tower.

Senate - Climate report for Bremen and Bremerhaven shows warming

Efforts for climate protection in the state of Bremen must be significantly increased from the perspective of Senator for Environment, Climate and Science, Kathrin Moosdorf. At the same time, it is necessary to prepare Bremen and Bremerhaven as quickly as possible for the consequences of the climate crisis, the Green politician stated at the presentation of the climate report. "Only if we do this now and consistently, we can make Bremen and Bremerhaven long-term attractive places to live and work for the people who live and work here," Moosdorf said in a statement.

According to the "Climate Report - Bremen and Bremerhaven" from the German Weather Service, the average annual temperature in the state of Bremen has risen by 1.6 degrees Celsius since 1881. "We are already exceeding the target of the Paris Climate Convention of the United Nations to limit climate warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius in the state of Bremen today. This should make us all take notice," so the Senator. According to the report, experts expect further warming.

The climate report, according to the German Weather Service, provides an overview of the current state of knowledge on weather and climate in the region. It is intended to help inform about the developments of past, present and future climate in Bremen and Bremerhaven. The report was prepared in cooperation with the Bremen Ministry for Environment, Climate and Science.

Statement on the climate report on the consequences of climate change in the state of Bremen.

  1. Senator Kathrin Moosdorf urges the enhancement of climate protection efforts in Bremen, as environmental concerns have become increasingly critical.
  2. The average annual temperature in Bremen has risen by 1.6 degrees Celsius since 1881, surpassing the Paris Climate Convention's target for climate warming, as depicted in the "Climate Report - Bremen and Bremerhaven" by the German Weather Service.
  3. In her statement, Moosdorf emphasizes the need to make Bremen and Bremerhaven long-term livable and workable places by swiftly preparing them for the consequences of the climate crisis.
  4. The "Climate Report - Bremen and Bremerhaven" offers an insight into the region's current and future weather and climate scenarios, serving as a valuable resource for those concerned with climate change in the area.
  5. The collaboration between the German Weather Service and the Bremen Ministry for Environment, Climate and Science resulted in the preparation of the climate report, providing essential information for the formulation of environmental policies in Bremen and Bremerhaven.

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