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Climate protesters at risk of severe harm, warn organizers.

A protester has been on a hunger strike for over 80 days, seeking a public statement from Chancellor Scholz about the climate crisis. However, achieving this outcome appears unlikely.

Wolfgang Metzeler-Kick sitzt am neuen Standort des Hungerstreik-Camps im Regierungsviertel.
Wolfgang Metzeler-Kick sitzt am neuen Standort des Hungerstreik-Camps im Regierungsviertel.

Environmental calamity - Climate protesters at risk of severe harm, warn organizers.

For 83 days, a climate protection activist, Wolfgang Metzeler-Kick, has been on a hunger strike as part of the "Hunger until you're honest" campaign. At the moment, his condition is reportedly critical. Although he is still responsive and oriented, he is extremely weak. He has passed the responsibility for his medical care to a volunteer team, but he remains determined to continue his action. The activists are currently residing in a camp outside the Federal Ministry of Economics in Berlin.

Since March 7th, Wolfgang Metzeler-Kick has been refusing solid food, but he still consumed juices, electrolytes, and vitamins. On May 24th, he stopped consuming juices to intensify the hunger strike, leading to a higher risk of complications, as the campaign explained. Besides Metzeler-Kick, there are three other men also on hunger strike currently, while two others have abandoned their protest.

The campaign goal is to motivate Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) to issue a public statement about the rising levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and the need for a swift transition to more climate-friendly solutions. However, the government spokesperson confirmed that Scholz is unwilling to fulfill this request. Speaking at a citizen dialogue on Friday, Scholz expressed his wish for the campaign to come to an end, remarking that "exerting violence against others, or even against oneself, is a mistake."

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