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Climate Foundation representative cost almost 28,000 euros

According to the state parliament administration, the representative of the state parliament for the MV Climate and Environmental Protection Foundation has so far invoiced costs of around 28,000 euros for his work. The spokesperson did not disclose which services have been remunerated and which...

The lectern in the state parliament of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.
The lectern in the state parliament of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.

Parliament - Climate Foundation representative cost almost 28,000 euros

According to the state parliament administration, the representative of the state parliament for the MV Climate and Environmental Protection Foundation has so far invoiced costs of around 28,000 euros for his work. The spokesperson did not disclose which services have been remunerated and which tasks are still outstanding. The work has not yet been completed. Further costs are expected. The appointment of the lawyer was controversial from the outset.

At the end of November, State Parliament President Birgit Hesse commissioned lawyer Andreas Urban to examine whether there were any options for implementing the State Parliament's decision to dissolve the foundation. On March 1, 2022, immediately after the Russian attack on Ukraine, the state parliament decided by a large majority to dissolve the foundation. However, according to Interior Minister Christian Pegel (SPD), the state government does not see itself in a position to implement the decision for legal reasons. The issue is the subject of an ongoing dispute in the state parliament. Two expert opinions have come to conflicting conclusions on the legality of dissolving the foundation.

Hesse had expressed the hope that the expertise of the lawyer, who is well versed in foundation law, could bring movement to the deadlocked situation. Observers do not believe that results will be available before the end of the year to help create new momentum.

The Climate Protection Foundation MV was established at the beginning of 2021 to enable the completion of the Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline while circumventing US sanction threats against the companies involved. The subsidiary of the Russian state-owned company Gazprom had contributed 20 million euros to the foundation for environmental projects. The foundation's business operations, which were set up on a temporary basis for the completion of the gas pipeline and also financed by Nord Stream 2, have since been wound up. A special parliamentary committee is looking into the background and circumstances of the foundation's establishment and its activities.

State parliament resolution

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