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Climate conference: results of the citizens' forum are available

A randomly assembled citizens' forum spent almost two months discussing how to achieve the climate targets in Schleswig-Holstein. The results that have now been presented are ambitious.

Minister President Daniel Günther (CDU) has accepted the results of the "Climate" citizens' forum.
Minister President Daniel Günther (CDU) has accepted the results of the "Climate" citizens' forum.

The path to climate neutrality - Climate conference: results of the citizens' forum are available

The recommendations of the "Climate" Citizens' Forum are presented. Minister-President Daniel Günther (CDU) and Climate Protection Minister Tobias Goldschmidt (Greens) received the results at the first climate conference of the state in Neumünster. The Citizens' Forum was called in May to discuss solutions for achieving climate goals.

"We have very ambitious targets, we want Schleswig-Holstein to be climate neutral by 2040 and have therefore adopted a climate protection program for Schleswig-Holstein 2030 in the cabinet in January", said Günther at the conference. The results of the Citizens' Forum should then be used to further adapt the program, so that a "broadly supported climate protection program" can eventually be passed.

Ambitious Proposals

Information: According to the state government, the forum is calling for more transparency and participation of citizens. Information, for example, on communal heating planning or the planned storage of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the subsurface, is desired.

Subsidy reduction: A phased withdrawal of climate-damaging subsidies and an environmentally friendly adjustment of the government car privilege is also necessary. The freed-up funds should then be invested in climate-friendly alternatives, such as the expansion of public transport or cycling infrastructure.

Photovoltaics obligation: In the expansion of solar energy, a clear majority spoke out in favor of a requirement for the installation of photovoltaic systems. This should apply to new as well as existing buildings, in renovation measures, and on car parks with 35 or more parking spaces.

Social balance: According to the state government, there is a desire for social balance in many recommendations. Funding instruments and financial burdens should therefore be designed income-dependently and climate-friendly measures should be funded with CO2 revenue. In addition, a climate allowance for low-income households could be financed.

3,000 citizens invited

"The Climate Citizens' Forum has given us very ambitious demands – no sign of fatigue on the climate protection issue", emphasized Climate Protection Minister Goldschmidt.

According to the Climate Protection Ministry, a total of 3,000 female and male citizens were randomly selected and invited for the Climate Citizens' Forum from all districts and free Hanseatic cities. Later, 49 different persons participated.

  1. Minister-President Daniel Günther from the CDU party and Climate Protection Minister Tobias Goldschmidt from the Greens discussed the recommendations from the Climate Citizens' Forum, which was initiated to find solutions for Schleswig-Holstein's climate goals.
  2. The Citizens' Forum urged for more transparency and participation of citizens in initiatives such as communal heating planning and the planned carbon dioxide (CO2) storage in the subsurface.
  3. As part of the climate protection program for Schleswig-Holstein 2030, the state government is considering a subsidy reduction for climate-damaging activities and investing the freed-up funds in climate-friendly alternatives, like increasing public transportation and cycling infrastructure.
  4. Tobias Goldschmidt commended the Climate Citizens' Forum, stating that it presented "very ambitious demands" related to climate neutrality by 2040, with 3,000 invited citizens actively participating in the discussions.

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