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Climate activists spray Christmas trees with paint

The Brandenburg Gate and the World Time Clock in Berlin have already glowed orange in recent months after climate activists spray-painted them. It is now December and the current targets of the campaigns are the symbols of the Christmas season.

A member of the "Last Generation" climate protection group sprays a Christmas tree in front of
A member of the "Last Generation" climate protection group sprays a Christmas tree in front of the Bundesrat with orange paint.

Police investigate - Climate activists spray Christmas trees with paint

The climate protection group Letzte Generation has sprayed Christmas trees in several German cities with orange paint. In Berlin, two large Christmas trees were even hit on Wednesday morning: on Leipziger Platz at the Mall of Berlin shopping center and in front of the nearby Bundesrat. Demonstrators distributed the paint from fire extinguishers and allowed themselves to be filmed and photographed.

At least four demonstrators are being investigated for the spray-painted trees, according to the police. During the course of the day, police then searched three homes of climate activists in Wedding, Wilmersdorf and the Hansaviertel. Various items needed for street protests were confiscated, according to a police spokesman. The "B.Z." had previously reported.

After the spraying, two demonstrators had gathered in front of the Bundesrat with placards reading "Contemplatively into the catastrophe? Charity = climate protection". The group said that despite "twinkling lights, shiny decorations and a festive atmosphere", climate change should not be forgotten and that the world is racing towards a future full of catastrophes.

According to the Last Generation, an elaborately decorated Christmas tree in Leipzig's Mädler Passage was also sprayed. The police cordoned off the area. According to the police or the group, other trees were painted in Munich, Nuremberg, Oldenburg, Rostock and Kiel.

The Last Generation group has been demonstrating and protesting for more climate protection with street blockades and other actions since the beginning of 2022. The Brandenburg Gate in Berlin was also sprayed with paint. Numerous investigations and trials are underway against members of the group, many of whom have already been convicted.

Another climate protection organization in Berlin-Lichtenberg let the air out of the tires of numerous cars or destroyed some tires. The incidents occurred in the night from Tuesday to Wednesday, according to the police. By midday on Wednesday, the police had received 31 reports from car owners who had found their vehicles with flat tires.

Flyers from the group "The Tyre Extinguishers" were found on many of the vehicles. The actions are aimed at large vehicles such as off-road vehicles in order to draw attention to climate protection. The group had already attracted attention in the past with similar actions in many Berlin districts and other German and European cities.

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